“It is known that we recognize defects in other people’s works rather than in our own… when you paint, you should have a flat mirror at hand and often look at your work in it. If you see them in an inverted reflection, they will seem as if they were made by someone else and you will judge your mistakes better”.

Leonardo da Vinci.


About Me

Welcome to my website! My name is Anna. The passion for art and painting captured me in 2017. I was born in Poland, but my heart has been in Ireland for 19 years, where my hands bring canvases to life with colors. Since 2010, in a relationship with my husband Robert, the heart of my life, we have been weaving our story together, and in our son, we see the beauty of the future.

Welcome to my website! My name is Anna. The passion for art and painting captured me in 2017. I was born in Poland, but my heart has been in Ireland for 19 years, where my hands bring canvases to life with colors. Since 2010, in a relationship with my husband Robert, the heart of my life, we have been weaving our story together, and in our son, we see the beauty of the future.

Over the years, my paintings have found recognition in the hearts of people from different parts of the world. They have traveled to the United States, Canada, Poland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Italy, Bulgaria, Ireland, and South Africa. To this day, around 170 of my paintings have found new places, new pieces of walls. Each of them has its own story; people, events, and sounds inspire me, their harmony resonating in my soul.

I don’t call myself an artist; I just love to paint, and thanks to that, sometimes I manage to fulfill someone’s dreams. I have donated several of my works to charity auctions to help those in need, even if it’s just a drop in the ocean.Besides painting, I love spending time with my two Russian Blue cats. They are a pair of exceptional creatures that bring joy to my life and help me relax after an intense day of creating.

Thank you for every stolen glance, for every quiet sigh of admiration, for every tear of emotion. Thank you for allowing me to share my creativity, my passion, my life with you.

Kind regards.

Anna Grzybowska
